Bill$, Bill$, Bill$

Bill$, Bill$, Bill$ is a sky-high wad of money-cash-dollar-themed tunes for the pickpockets, recently paid, well inherited and Mum and Dad Investors passing GO on their way to Mayfair. Comprising some of the best bling-tunes of classic hip hop, spangled Las Vegas ditties and 80’s Wall Street power (lunch) ballads, this mix tours the highs and lows of the chase for the Benjamins and Sir Johns.
Do you need a dollar? If I were a rich girl tougher than Nigerian hair, I’d take care of business by shakin' my money maker in a big, brown bank to pay my telephone bills. May cause adverse obsession with money clips, cigars, Moet, ice, Maserati, polo, blue chips.

Bill$, Bill$, Bill$ :TAPE

Get rich or stud everything with diamantes trying :PREMISE