All The Honeys, Makin' Money

All the Honeys, Makin' Money is the kind of mix you listen to in stilettos, walking too fast through the city so your hair breezes out behind you like you're being blasted by a fan. It compiles the cream of Power-R'n'B by some of popular music's most sexy and brazen women, taking in 90s favourites and one or two what have you done for me latelies. It might surprise you to know you already have the lyrics memorised, because you don't want no scrubs, you just want your lady lumps to bring all the boys to the car wash and they're like 'say my name, say my name'. 
                 There goes my skirt…
All the Honeys, Makin' Money :TAPE
Women in leather leotards, getting what they came for, by they damn self. :PREMISE