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Record Hop! lines up all the best tunes to get your retro groove on. These tunes originally floated through the record hops, televised countdown shows (think Hairspray or Ed Sullivan) and community dancehalls of the Western world. Imagine yourself in a skinny tie or button-down shift, getting breathless on the shoulder of your dance marathon partner, meeting a dashing marine by the punchbowl, and taking the stage to bop and sway and clap your way through sugary backing vocals.
This is a mix of the best ‘45 singles of the 1960’s Motown and dancehall soul sound, and some are lifted from the spinning wax itself. Many a lively-footed, finger-clicking, matching-suited male foursome, and many a sequined, false-eyelashed female power-trio are waiting to serenade you through the short but sweet (average track 2:30) love songs, heartbreak ballads and dance numbers you need to shoop, twist, wahtusi, hucklebuck, locomote, bunny hop, hitch-hike, monkey or madison your way towards midnight.
So as you twist and shout your way through this heatwave, why not tell him to Stop! In the name of r.e.s.p.e.c.t. and see if he’ll walk on by to the chapel of love?

Record Hop! :TAPE
Swell guys and gals toe-tappin' and finger snappin' all night under the party lights :PREMISE
The demure Miss Dannii-Elle Goff :DEdication